Why RV Living is So Popular

Why aren’t we surprised to learn from the RVIA that RV shipments have increased for 6 consecutive years since 2010? The good folks that call Floridays home, whether it be year-round or for a short while, are living the dream with life on the open road.

  1. window dogMore living and less fixing.
    No roof to replace, no driveway to repave, and no storm windows to put up and take down. With minimalism being the name of the RV game, not owning a table saw, 20-foot ladder, central vac, and giant laundry room means more hours of living and enjoying life instead of repairing and fixing.
  2. man and boy on beachMore affordable and way more fun.
    With housing costs on the rise, more people can afford an RV. Today, the typical RV buyer has a medium income of $62,000; is in their late 40s, and over a third of these trendsetters still have children living at home. RV life stretches the purse and makes living more interesting for young and old alike.
  3. starry NightMuch healthier and simpler.
    The RV lifestyle means more time spent outside soaking up vitamin A or stargazing to a cricket symphony. Instead of sitting in front of a media room’s 85” TV screen, you set out your chairs, fire up the grill, and take a walk after dinner.
  4. Go where you want, when you want.blue bonnets
    You can complain about the weather, or avoid it. Your home on wheels can take you to areas of country where the weather fits your fancy. Hit the mountains of Utah during ski season, the Arizona desert for its mid-February bloom then over to Texas for the bluebonnet bloom, north to Michigan’s cool lakes for a summer plunge, and end up in Florida for Christmas at Floridays in Hobe Sound.
  5. Family on your terms, friends galore.friends in grass
    Today’s families rarely live all in one place anymore. Visiting family by RV is affordable and convenient. No motels, no airfare. But when Uncle John has had one too many, or political arguments rule the day, it’s good to have the getaway RV at the curb. Everywhere you go, making new friends is easy, and if you change your mind about “him” or “her” you simply leave and look forward to new lasting friendships just around the next bend.

We’ve only touched the surface about what makes the RV lifestyle the choice for so many full-time or part-time RV enthusiasts. What do you like best about your RV lifestyle? Drop us a line or a photograph (or both) at info@floridaysrvpark.com. We may share your story with the Floridays community.

RV Dreamers

roadziesOwning and operating an RV park was not exactly a childhood dream, but not a day goes by that we’re not grateful the opportunity presented itself. In many ways, we’re in the business of helping people live their dreams!

An article in this month’s Family Motor Coaching magazine illustrates my point. “An RV Dream Come True” is about the LA-based Rossitto family who homeschool their kids (they call it roadschooling) yet when they are somewhere interesting, like Mount Rushmore, they close the books and learn through experience.

The Rossitto’s are not yet full-timers, but are growing their home-based businesses in order to get there. You can follow their adventures through the Roadzies blog on FMCA’s website or the Rossitto family website. Miri Rossitto also accepts friend requests on the family Facebook page.